The trip will now also include intermediate stop-offs at at our son's house in Boonton, NJ (three grandsons) and daughter's house in Middle Grove, NY (grandson and granddaughter). Our daughter made a move to the Saratoga Springs area last year after Americade. Since her house is now 25 miles south of Americade (and on the way), we now have a fringe benefit of making the trip.
Sunday started with a breakfast of bacon and eggs served by my daughter. With both she and her husband working and trying to get the two kids up and out to school each day, she finds that the weekend is the only time for full breakfasts.
The rained out baseball game was restarted today at noon in Saratoga Springs. It took a couple of innings and a fine play from the outfield to second base by my grandson to help get another win for his team.
Late yesterday afternoon I was sitting right here at my laptop. I could see out the window that the sun was shining. In almost an instant the weather changed and it poured and poured for 10 minutes straight. Then it stopped and the sun came out. Such is the weather of this Adirondacks region that Americade is part of.
I saw a few Gold Wings today in Saratoga Springs. Several trikes -- one pulling a trailer -- were seen outside a restaurant. More and more bikes were seen on the Northway heading north to Lake George. I expect to be out there tomorrow shortly after noon doing the same thing. Of course, I'm hoping all goes well with the vibration I was having on Friday.
I'm looking forward to seeing those 50-100 thousand bikes tomorrow. After all, that's why I've been coming to Americade for the last 15 years.
More to follow. Read the blog each day for further reports.
An evolving blog index to these Americade 2008 blog entries is also available.
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