Harley Davidson Maintenance Do’s And Don’t

Harley Davidson may be one of your most valuable assets. It is just right that these beauties are given proper care and maintenance. However, while many are trying to treat their Harley, who have some basic forgotten. Here is a quick refresher on maintenance do's and don'ts.

1. Do check your tires constantly: This is a very important step in everyday maintenance. Before you ride out, make sure to check your tires. Check that threads have not reached the thread wear bars that come standard in motorcycle tires. Once tires reach those bars, they become less effective against punctures and slippery roads.

2. Don’t let tires become under-inflated: Tires perform best and last longer when they have the right air pressure. Under-inflated tires can cause heat to build up inside. At the same time, under-inflation hastens the wear of the tires. Always make sure that tires are properly inflated.

3. Do check your valve stems: Valve stems are often forgotten when checking the overall condition of Harleys. These should always be capped. Make sure the caps are the same to ensure balanced riding. Watch out for cracking, especially in rubber valve stems. Replace these parts if you find too much wear.

4. Do make sure that battery cables are clamped tight: With the constant vibration of motorcycle engines, cables are bound to get loose. When you do maintenance checks, make sure to tighten battery cables. Securely clamped cables prevent your engines from dying out on you.

5. Do replace chipped or roughened brake rotors: Brake rotors are supposed to be smooth and generally clean. If your brake rotors have signs of overuse, such as rough and chipped surfaces, have these replaced right away.

6. Don’t neglect your spokes: The tension of your spokes should be correct. Else, you risk getting into accidents. To test, run a screwdriver over them. Loosened spokes sound differently. If you hear this, go to your mechanic right away. Loose spokes should be fixed as soon as possible.

7. Do change oil regularly: Oil are not just lubricants. Oil also ensure that your engines do not unnecessarily overheat. It has a cooling effect on Harley engines. Hence, make sure you change oil regularly.

8. Do ensure that your break pads are not overused: Break pads should beat least 1/16” thick. Anything less should be replaced.

9. Do check your lights every so often: Reliable lights are necessary, especially if you are prone to staying out at night. Allot at least one night a month to check your head light, tail light, brake light and blinkers.


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