DUB Anaheim - Sabrina Machado @ Pirelli

DUB is the first major car show in Southern California This year. Many + many fans have been waiting for this event since pretty much last November, when DUB San Bernardino was the last event in the SoCal area. It's a huge success, despite the unusual weather conditions (see below).

I had a great pleasure meeting with the Pirelli Model, Sabrina Machado. Sabrina is an amazing model. Any poses she did and smiles she flashed, are just picture perfect! I only took four pictures of her and each one came out like in an outdoor studio (any such thing??)... It's a shame that I only took four photos of her... Hopefully in the future, we can do a feature of her in our magazine..

Oh, she is also a great actress, and you all should check out her web site and her IMDB resume:


I see a super star rising!!

The great March weather gave a really good show of what the mother nature could do... It was pouring really hard last night, and then in the morning sunny as it can be, and I could see the snow on the mountain with clouds floating around them. It made me think that it's like a coors light commercial, but in China's deep river cloud-mountain locations... Then in the afternoon, the clouds came from all over the place, and dumped a good bucket of rain on us, models, cars, video games, bubble gums,... everything... In no time, the sun came out like a naughty boy just broke a vase, sheepishly begging for forgiveness... Haha...

* Click the picture for its original size *


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