Because it is still relatively new scooter then baseball is no harm if we learn the items tune-ups on Suzuki SkyDrive. Minimal make knowledge of the owner for more familiar with besutannya.
Let's learn how to set the spigot. Assisted by colleagues from the Suzuki Training Center (STC), we are guided to become aware of the items set-Sukur Sukur valve or can do it yourself.
In order to more easily let sorted from the very first to be performed. To be able to reach the area of the cylinder head had to remove seats, the box under the seat and cover that covers the body of the cylinder head.
"Once open all, from the top position of the carburetor, water filters and cylinder head can be seen immediately,"
If you've seen the cylinder head, immediately take the L key to open the two bolts penguncinya. Once open the spigot can be seen right settings? Then position the incoming and exhaust valve in the free condition or position of the piston at Top Dead Point (TMA).
The simplest way to achieve this is by rotating magnet that is connected to the van or the fan on the right engine. When a line on fan has been aligned with the triangular mark located on the crankcase means the piston is located in TOP condition or position of the piston at Top Dead Point (TMA).
But when the piston was at TDC position is not necessarily the valve in the free state (end of compression). When the piston is at TDC at the end of the second step, the exhaust valve is actually opened or depressed rocker arm. But when the piston is at TDC at the end of compression, the valve will be in a free state.
"When free conditions characteristic of the second rocker arm can still be shaken. Or it could be seen from the decompression position that is above, "
If you have found the valve position freely, then it can simply set the valve. Special is the same with the valve set in general.
First loosen the nut on the bolt fastener suits valve. Then Fuller put the gauge (bar gauge) according to the size of slit valve into the valve stem tip.
"For the suction valve tolerance 0.04 mm to 0.07 mm, so we take the middle 0.05 mm. Medium tolerance exhaust valve 0.09 mm to 0.13 mm, 0.10 mm we take, "
"If it suits rotary valve bolt until you feel when Fuller gauge in drag was dragging and if driven can not. Do not let loose back and forth and can be locked at all can not move, ". And finally harden again nuts valve suits.
Easy right?
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