Yamaha ATV Verdict

Yamaha ATV Verdict
A jury in Montgomery, Alabama last month returned another defense verdict in McMahon vs Yamaha. This is the fifth time that Yamaha has obtained a defense verdict in a defective design Yamaha Rhino lawsuit.

Yamaha touts this as a vindication of its design. Give them credit, they are winning the early battles in these Yamaha lawsuits. But let's not kid outselves into thinking that these juries have all indicated that Yamaha did not screw up the design. Clearly, juries are troubled by the conduct of the drivers that lead to the accident in the first place. So jury verdicts may not be a litmus test solely on whether the Yamaha Rhino had a defective design. Moreover, there was a successful jury verdict against Yamaha in Georgia, a fact Yamaha conveniently leaves out of its statement after this most recent verdict.


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