Motorcycle Maintenance

There are times that my new Honda XRM motorcycle is neglected. I forgot to wash it. Maybe in a week, I wash it just twice.
However, it might be true its cleanliness is not maintained, but I can�t afford to neglect its maintenance. During the break-in period, I changed engine oil when it reaches the first 500 kilometers mark, next when it reached the 1,000 kilometers mark.
When the mileage marked 2,000 I changed again the engine oil and brought it to the motorcycle mechanic for tune-up and check-up. Then after that, the schedule of the change oil will be during the time when the mileage marks every 1,000 kilometers.
As of writing this post, the mileage marked already its 4,000 kilometers travel. I already changed the engine oil and will bringing it again to the motorcycle engine mechanic for another tune-up process and check-up.
Just take a look at the photo below. That�s my dog, �Jurus� watching
Okay, just for your information, I am using the Honda 4T motorcycle engine oil.
I better use the oil carrying the Honda brand just to be safe. I just don�t want to take the risk of using other engine oil although they have the same quality which are made for the 4-stroke engine motorcycle.
But not only the maintenance for the engine that I never missed to do. I also frequently apply chain oil for the chain. And I am using here the Singer oil.
I really want to use oil which is intended for the chain. But the mechanic said that it�s just fine to use the Singer oil.
So, everyday before I drive the motorcycle, I first check the chain and its looseness and then apply some oil for better lubrication and to lengthen the life of the chain and the chain�s gear.
This is to make sure that the motorcycle is safe to ride on, to avoid any accident.
Just want to remind you�. Learn to drive defensively.


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