Funday Sunday June 5th At Ducati Manchester
Here’s your invitation to come along to Ducati Manchester, (address below) and take part in our Funday Sunday on June 5th. There’s loads going on and, strangely enough, loads coming off as well, in our great clothing sale. And with such a diverse range of gear, there’s something that will suit ever member of the family. Here’s a taster for what’s on:

• Meet Ducati legend Carl Foggarty and have a chat and a few snaps with the great man himself and of course a great opportunity for autograph hunters.

Watch a team of amazing stunsters perform the most incredible tricks on their bikes. Definately a “ don’t try this at home” spectacle
• Monster Day in conjunction with The Monster Owners Club. Drool over some of the finest examples of tricked up Monsters that you’re ever likely to set eyes upon. Get some ideas too on what you could do with yours. If you don’t own a Monster... then you’re in the perfect place to change that!
• Special deals on new and used bikes plus some real bargains to be had. If you’re serious about buying a bike, then you’ll really need to be here to believe what’s on offer.
• Food and refreshments available all day
• Kids Monster colouring competition. Please feel free to bring the little ones with you. There’ll be free goodies for them too, and the chance to show off their artistic side and get in on the prizes, judged by the MOC on the day.
• Loads of fun, all we raise on the day will be donated to a local charity.

Chris Booth
Ducat Manchester
Dalton House, Sale , Cheshire. M33 7AJ
Tel: 0161 973 9572


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